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our patrons


Americana Manhasset


Jeffrey and Priscilla Ahn

Maxine and Philip Armstrong

Bruno and Heesoo Bolfo

Jason Chang and Helen Shim Chang

Carol and John Chirico

Karen and Samuel Choi
Anne and Charles Lee
Jennifer Chon and David Lee

Michael Chung and Hajin Lee

Cécile and Christopher D'Amelio

Douglas Hahn and Melissa Ko

Laura and Mun Hong

Peter and Shinkyung Kim

Sunhee Kim and Richard Park
Sang-Cheul and Yekyung Kong
Neal and Nina McElroy

Frank and Veronica Oh

Victor von Klemperer

Samoon Ahmad and Kimberly Macleod
Amy and Mark Ahn
MaryAnn and Rudy Adolf
Carol Blum

Gregory Ho and Linda Sanchez

Paul Kanavos and Dayssi Olarte de Kanavos

Ik-Joong Kang and Margarette Lee

Rita & Frank Castagna Family Foundation

Kyunghyun Ahn and Chanseo Lee

Thierry and Valérie Breton

Stephanie Cho and Gerald Lee

Benjamin and Grace Choi

Jay and Jungeun Chun
Edward and Sunyoung Chung
Mark Domzalski

Richard Gerst and James Porçarelli

Judith and Ronald Goldstock

Michael Heffernan and Jae Lee
Daniel and Sara Kim

Im Young and Jae Man Kim

Ambrose and Susan Kwok

Miyoung Lee and Neil Simpkins

Alicia and Bernard Park
Eun and Jarrod Yuster

Updated: 30 September 2023


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The Jeffrey Ahn, Jr. Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization in New York State. All gifts are tax-deductible


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