jajf 2017 project
The Body Reef (2017)
Sculptural installation

Installation view of 2017 Fellow Katrina Fuller's The Body Reef.
The following is an excerpt from 2017 Fellow Katrina Fuller's project proposal:
"Using various materials including silicone, latex, and polymer clay, I hope to build a variety of plant species that are commonly found in a coral reef ecosystem.
"These plants would appear to be constructed from human tissue, mimicking organismal and cellular patterns such as skin, vessels, or neurons. Portions of bodily material would be atrophied as manifestations of the human corruption and destruction of nature, caused by climate change. By physically deconstructing the human body, I aim to distribute power evenly between the humans and nature in this piece to defy the idea of human dominance over natural life.
"This coral reef would be suspended from the ceiling by a web of veins and vines as a commentary on the paradoxical human dependency on nature... I am curious about how and why we abuse our land, our atmosphere, and our oceans, while at the same time depend[ing] on them for all life.
"Lastly, I wish to render the ocean a collective societal subconscious, and— for the experience of the viewer— use light to simulate the experience of being underwater."
From October 27 through November 4, 2017, Katrina's completed Fellowship project, entitled The Body Reef, was exhibited at Envoy Enterprises at 87 Rivington Street in New York City.

An early sketch for 2017 Ahn Fellow Katrina Fuller's The Body Reef.

Installation view of 2017 Fellow Katrina Fuller's The Body Reef.

Installation view of 2017 Fellow Katrina Fuller's The Body Reef.

Detail view of 2017 Fellow Katrina Fuller's The Body Reef.